M.O.S (Mannan Oligo Saccharides) are carbohydrates extracted from selected yeast walls.
They are part of the family of prebiotics, which act as bio-regulators of the intestinal flora. By binding to pathogenic (harmful) bacteria, they prevent them from growing on the intestinal walls and are eliminated from the intestine via the dung.
The presence of MOS in the feeds of the different ranges of the Royal Horse brand allows to promote a beneficial flora, which secures the digestive transit of the horse, as well as a reinforcement of the immune defenses by stimulation of the antibodies in the blood. This immunity will be then transmitted to the foal via the colostrum of the mother.

An important concept to understand is the ionic balance.
The hydro-electrolytic balance concerning the ratios between the various electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus…) and water contained in the body.
The ionic balance of the ration is important during muscular work because it is disturbed by the phenomena of perspiration (hyper ionic sweat) and the production of lactic acid that accompanies it.
In the case of an unbalanced ionic balance, the horse’s heartbeat during exercise will be increased, which will lead to a poorer recovery after the effort.
The Food Balance Cations Anions of Royal Horse feeds allows to delay the effect of the lactic acid by a fast compensation of the ionic losses, to support the resistance of the horse but also its recovery.

Carnitine is a compound that is bio-synthesized from Lysine (LYS) and methionine (MET).
Carnitine has two stereoisomers, one of which is L-carnitine. It is involved within the cell in the transport of fatty acids during the catabolism of lipids in energy metabolism.
During growth and gestation, the need for carnitine can exceed the amount normally produced by the body.
Royal Horse feeds are supplemented with L-carnitine to promote energy conversion of fats and resistance to fatigue in the competition horse.
Beneficial for breeding horses, it also improves the performance of reproduction by its action on spermatogenesis and particularly on the motility of spermatozoids.
It promotes the formation of muscle fibers in the fetus, the maturation of the lungs and supports the immune system.

Protein represents about 20% of a horse’s weight (50% of which is in the form of muscle).
These proteins are permanently degraded, hence the importance of a daily intake of assimilable proteins in horses with a high protein synthesis (such as mares at the end of gestation and lactation and competition horses).
Amino acids are molecules that, when combined, form proteins. They have among other roles the formation and development of muscles. Amino acids are essential for muscle growth and recovery after exercise. Some of them can be produced by the body and others cannot, so we talk about limiting amino acids, which in horses are LYS and the sulfur amino acids MET and CYS.
To guarantee a high level of quality proteins, the whole range of Royal Horse is supplemented with amino acids such as LYS, MET and CYS.